C (8/254)

From:Stefan Schulze
Date:19 Apr 00 at 17:54:46
Subject:Re: implementing cut scenes

Hi Steven,

>> If you want to implement a/v cut scenes I would recommend datatypes,
>> the cdxl datatypes performance is pretty good on a 68030 amiga and I
>> remember seeing the tools to create the cdxl movies on a german
>> website that had the cd32 developer kit. Sorry but I forgot where it
>> was but you could check the news on www.ann.lu and do a search.

CDXL is an somewhat old format especially aimed at low end amigas. AFAIR it's
based on bitplanes which makes it quite unsuitable for gfx boards. I would
recommend MPEG or something similar which should run smoothly at your PPC.

[executing external program]

Using an external program would make the job much easier, but a) how to
synchronize the anim with your needs and b) how to get the anim displayed at
your screen instead of its own?

Some time ago I heard of mpega.library which might suit your needs but I never
had a closer look at it. ( just had a look. Sorry, seems to be audio only)

You might also ask somebody of the WipeOut team as they had a working mpeg
player inside the game. I guess it's either Sam Jordan or Peter McGavin. But
I don't know if there are any legal restrictions when releasing the source.

Bye, Stefan.

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